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The China Mail.

Monday, February 23, 1953.

No. 35441
Page 10


Govt House Presentation

   Sir Arthur Morse receiving a bronze statuette from His Excellency the Governor at Government House this morning. See story below. (Staff Photographer).


Sir Arthur Morse Receives Highest Scout Award

   On behalf of the Boy Scouts Association, His Excellency the Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham, GCMG, this morning presented Sir Arthur Morse with the highest Scout Award, the Silver Wolf, in recognition of the latter's services to the Scout movement.
   Sir Arthur, President of the Hongkong Branch of the Boy Scouts Association since 1946, is the first man in the Colony and one of the few laymen in the world to receive this award which has to be approved by the Chief Scout himself. It is more usually awarded only to Scouters and people actually "inside the Movement".

   With their Colony Commissioner, Mr Quah, and organising commissioner, Mr. J.A.Hudson, over 100 Scouts, representative of the Colony's 2,400 paraded outside Government House for the presentation and heard His Excellency thank Sir Arthur for his work for them and for his services to the Movement. His Excellency expressed the pride of all present in the signal honour accorded to Sir Arthur who, he said, had always taken the greatest possible interest in the Movement.
   He also presented Sir Arthur with a solid bronze statuette of a Colony Scout, a token of appreciation from the Scouts of Hongkong to their President. A collection had been taken among all the Scouts and Cubs in the Colony who subscribed between 5 and 50 cents each towards a farewell present for Sir Arthur. With part of the money collected the statuette was bought, and the residue may be used to establish a fund for needy Scouts in the Colony.
   The statuette bore the inscription "Sir Arthur Morse, CBE, LL.D, President Boy Scouts Association, Hongkong Branch 1946-53. From all his Scout Friends."
   Thanking the Scouts for the honour done to him, Sir Arthur said he had always found pleasure in furthering the interests of Boy Scouts in Hongkong - and expressed his sorrow that he would be unable to see the completion of the new Headquarters, although he was sure the building would be "a home worthy of your achievements." He added of the statuette that it was a personal tribute from the Scouts on which he placed the highest value "as I do their good wishes for my wife and myself."
   Sir Arthur then walked among the Scouts to give them an opportunity to inspect the Silver Wolf, which he wore on a green and yellow ribbon round his neck.

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