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The China Mail.

Hong Kong, Monday, August 7, 1950.

No. 34659.
Page 2 & 3


Posthumous award of Scout Badge

   At a ceremony held at the Scout Headquarters, Morse Hut, yesterday the Cornwell Scout Badge was presented posthumously to Patrol Second Yue Chung-kwong, 15th Hong Kong "S" Troop (Wah Yan College).

   Mr. Yue Cho-nim, received the award on behalf of his son, while Mr. C.C.Quah, Deputy Colony Commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association made the presentation.

   The ceremony was attended by representatives of all the Scouting Troops of the Colony.

   The Citation for the award was read to the gathering.

   Patrol Second Yue Chung-kwong developed cancer in the stomach about the end of last year. In spite of that he carried on Scouting cheerfully but in April this year he became worse and entered the hospital. He bare his suffering like a Spartan and in spite of the pain he still kept up his interest in Scouting and invited his fellow Scouts to visit him to discuss and inform him of the Scouting activities of the various Troops.

   He continued to do this until he died. Yue Chung-kwong was a member of the Sir Francis Drake Patrol which he joined in April, 1948. He died at the age of 17 1/2.

Jack Cornwell

   The story of Jack Cornwell leading to inspiration of the Cornwell Badge was also read to the gatherer, by Captain Headlam F.Z.S.

   It was in the great sea fight off Jutland, in 1916, when the British Fleet was fighting the German battleships, that the Boy, Jack Cornwell, on board His Majesty's Ship 'Chester,' distinguished himself by his gallantry.

   Before joining the Royal Navy, Cornwell had been a Boy Scout in London. He had there learned some of the smartness and discipline of the Scouts, and especially had learned that he was in honour bound to do his duty at all costs and to "stick to it."

   In the battle his duty was to stand by the gun, with ear phones on, and to listen for orders telephoned by the directing officer, and to pass them on at once to the gunner in charge of the gun.

   The ship came under heavy fire of big shells from the enemy. These burst on board, smashing up guns and killing men right and left, Cornwell's gun was presently damaged and nearly all the men serving it were wounded or killed.

   Seeing that the gun was out of action the led might well have run away to take cover in some other place - but he knew that his duty was to "stick to it" in case further orders might come from his officer.

Carried on

   One of the gun's crew said to him - "Why don't you go, boy? You will get hit directly." And he replied, "I am hit." which was true, for a bit of shell had struck him in the chest, but still he carried on.
   He continued to stick it out at his post and when at the end the action he was relieved, he sank down and collapsed. But still to managed to ask, "Did we win, sir?"
   Shortly afterwards his gallant spirit passed to Higher Service.
   The former little London street boy, once a Boy Scout, died a national hero. Though dead he was awarded the Victoria Cross on account of his brave conduct and sense of duty.
   In order to keep his memory and his example alive among his brother Scouts, the Cornwell Scout Decoration has been instituted. The Badge is a plain little letter "C" in bronze but though it is not gaudy to look at it is the highest honour a Scout can win, that little "C" meaning not only Cornwell, but also the Courage that made Cornwell a hero.
   This Cornwell Badge is therefore awarded to Scouts who, besides being especially good Scouts, have also shown special bravery in risking his life to save others, or it may mean that he has shown wonderful courage in facing illness and pain.


   Mr. C.C.Quah, Deputy Commissioner of the Hong Kong Boy Scouts Association, making the posthumous award of the Cornwell Scouts Badge to Mr. Yue Nim-cho, father of Patrol Second Yue Chung-kwong to whom the Badge was awarded. Captain J.Headlam, is shown at the extreme right of the picture. "China Mail" photo.

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