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Hongkong Sunday Herald.

Hongkong, Sunday, November 13, 1949.

No. 217.
Page 2


Stone Laying Ceremony At New Scouts Hq.

   Hong Kong Boy Scouts cheered yesterday afternoon as Sir Arthur Morse, President of the Colony's Boy Scouts Association, laid the commemoration stone at their new headquarters on Garden Road.

   At the same time Sir Arthur lauded four King's Sea Scouts for their achievements and presented them with the King's Scout Badge The four Scouts were Chiu Shin-yeung, Chung Ping-sun, Bunny Chin and Roy Sadick.
   A distinguished gathering, including Lady Morse, Sir Robert Ho Tung, the Hon. T.N.Chan, Mr. Tang Shin-kan, Commodore Brownfield and the Right Reverend Bishop Hall, was present at the short and impressive ceremony.
   Greeted by Mr. C.Tinn, the deputy Camp Chief, Sir Arthur approached the new headquarters through a guard of Honour of King's Scouts standing two feet deep.
   Sir Arthur said he was happy to be able lay the commemoration stone at the new headquarters, because he felt such a headquarters was a much desired need.
   A headquarters of their own, Sir Arthur stressed was an integral part of any scout movement.

Guides Thanked

   The President thanked the Girl Guides for their kindness in permitting Boy Scouts the use of their Hut, and the military authorities for making the present site available.
   He also lauded the architect, Mr. Wilkle, the civil engineer, Mr. Pye, and the contractor, Mr. Ho Pak, for their efforts in constructing the new headquarters.
   Praising the four Sea Scouts for their laudable achievements which resulted in the presentation of the King's Scout Badge, Sir Arthur listed several stages in the gradual evolution of a true Scout.
   After his short address each of the four honoured scouts received individual congratulations from Sir Arthur. The Deputy Camp Chief then led the gathering in cheering the President.


   Sir Arthur Morse, President of the Colony's Boy Scouts Association, is shown laying the commemoration stone at the Scouts' new Headquarters in Garden Road. "China Mail" Photo.

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