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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Thursday, September 5, 1935.
香港英九月五號 禮拜四


No 14676
Page 12



   Amongst the many arrivals in Hongkong on Sunday, was a swarthy youth with a bicycle. He is King's Scout A.M.Appan, of the Headquarters Troop, Rangoon. It has taken him almost two years to get here. Scout Appan set out from Rangoon on the morning of April 17, 1933, with the intention of touring Asia on his cycle. His object is to strengthen the bond of international friendship through the Scout Movement, at the same time broadening his own outlook. When finally he returns to his starting place, which will not be for another two years, he intends to publish a book, in the Madrasi language on his experiences, hoping thus to promote scouting amongst his countrymen.
   A week after his start, Appan crossed the northeastern frontier of Siam, and cycled southwards through the country to the Malay States being entertained with much hospitality by the natives. On October 4, he reached Penang, and after a short rest continued his journey through the tropical jungles of Malaya to Singapore.
   When riding through the Siamese jungle, by the railroad tracks, Appan had the fright of his life at the sight of a tiger crossing the rails. Luckily, the beast did not notice him, and the Scout passed on his way, with a dangerously thumping heart. At night, in the midst of the jungle, miles from any village, he was forced to sleep in the trees, for fear of wild animals.
   Appan had an interview with H.E. Sir Cecil Clementi, Governor of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, formerly of Hongkong, and from Singapore took a ship to Medan, in Sumatra, and cycled to Penang, about 780 miles away, encountering many difficulties en route. Another steamer took him to Batavia, which he explored thoroughly, and then he crossed to Bail, the favourite resort of tourists. The Hindu Association of Soerabaya very kindly gave him a passage to Yokohama, at which place he arrived on June 6, 1934. According to Appan, Japan is the most beautiful country he has visited. He rode over hundreds of miles of arterial highways, greatly enjoyed the marvellous scenery. In Tokyo, he was fortunate enough to talk with Mr. Matsuia Ginji, the Minister of Education, Mr. Korieko Takahashi, the Minister of Finance, and Mr. Koku Hirota, the Foreign Minister.
   Shanghai, Amoy, and Formosa were visited in turn, and at present Appan intends to rest for a week or so in Hongkong, before moving on to the interior of China, Tibet, Afghanistan and Turkey. So far he has travelled about 8,500 miles on his bicycle, a New Hudson, which has given him excellent service.

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