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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Friday, December 19, 1930.
香港英十二月十九號 禮拜五


No 23,254
Page 14



   Three German Boy Scouts who arrived in Hongkong today and called at the Telegraph office are in the proud position of having called on almost Innumerable monarchs and Presidents in all parts of the world and received from them their autographs.
   Hermann Garbe and Franz Lerier, who hail from Frankfurt, and Paul Wage, whose home is in Leipzig, left the Fatherland in 1924 to see the world, and judging from the scrap books and photographs they have with them, it seems that they have succeeded in their undertaking.
   From Europe the trip went to Northern Africa and Asia Minor, and thence they made their way by slow stages to the West Indies.
   In Cuba, the three Iads obtained an autographed photograph of President Machade, while in the Central American country of Nicaragua, they were received by the rebel chieftain, Augusto Sandino, during his unsuccessful campaign against the United States Marines.
   The lads have autographed photo portraits of every chief executive in Central and South America, besides many signatures of lesser notables in the Southern Hemisphere.
   Among the better known people who have given pictures and signatures to the German youths are ex-Kaiser William, the late Primo de Rivera, King Alfonso, President Hindenburg, Dr. Tagore, ex-President Portes Gil of Mexico, Governor Judd of the Hawaiian Islands, Max Schmeling and Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang.
   During the course of their stay in Hongkong, they hope to give exhibitions of jujitsu and wrestling at the German Club, as well as a programme of German and South American folk songs. They are to make visits to Canton and Macao, and then leave for the South Sea Islands via Manila.

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