The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, December 18, 1929.
香港英十二月十八號 禮拜三
No 22,965
Page 6

Variety was the keynote of the concert which was given by a number or local residents last night in the Hall of tho Wah Yan College (by kind permission of the Headmaster) in aid of the funds of the 28th Hongkong Troop of Boy Scouts, who are attached to the college.
In the selection of the different items the organisers left nothing to be desired, and catered for all tastes. Without being dependent entirely on outside talent the Scouts themselves contributed largely towards the success of the evening's entertainment, their appearances in a camp fire scene and other items, including a Chinese action song, being excellent.
The contributions of the visiting artistes consisted of songs and musical items, while the lighter side of the performance was in the capable hands of Messrs. Christian and Grenham, described as two coons, who kept the audience in fits of laughter throughout.
Those taking part in the concert were the Misses Stella Ho, Phyllis Gittens, Mrs. H.Kew, the Misses Field, the Rev. N.V.Halward, Messrs. N.Botelho, Peter Cheung, John Cheung, C.Y.Lau, H.Beer, Lee, Sousa, Christian, Grenham and "The Awkward Squad."
The funds of the troop should, as a result of this fine effort, be considerably augmented. The function had a more significant feature in that it was held at a time when the College is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its foundation.