The Hongkong Telegraph.
Friday, December 13, 1929.
香港英十二月十三號 禮拜五
No 22,961
Page 7

The Boy Scouts Association is holding a coming of age concert and display (under the distinguished patronage of H.E. Sir Cecil Clementi, K.C.M.G.) at the Theatre Royal on Saturday, 21st inst.
Early in the year the Association had hopes of being able to stage an open air spectacle, somewhat on the lines of the Jamboree held at Arrowe Park in August. Owing to transport difficulties and the fact that a suitable ground could not be found, together with the question for finance, it was inter decided to hold an indoor show, to Iet the public see a few of the things the Scouts practise in their spare time.
The main object of the concert is to raise funds to complete the purchase of a new training centre at Saiwan Bay. This training centre fills a long delayed necessity, for the production of all that is best in Scouting.
A fairly varied programme has been arranged by the Groups, showing the lighter side of Sea Scout work in the form of Sea Shanties, etc., other Groups contributing Scouting items.
The second half of the programme will be a combined effort, in the form of the play, "Robin Hood." Much difficulty has been experienced during the course of rehearsing this play, partly owing to the language difficulty, and partly to other unavoidable reasons, but it can safely be said that a very creditable show will be the outcome.