The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, March 12, 1929.
香港英三月十二號 禮拜二
No 22,743
Page 2

On Saturday last, the Boy Scouts Association held the first Prince of Wales banner competition rally for the current year in the grounds of St. Andrew's Church, Kowloon, by kind permission of the Rev. W.W.Rogers and the Church authorities.
Scout Troops from the Island assembled at the Star Ferry at 2.30 p.m., crossing by special ferry, while Mainland troops had to report at St. Andrew's by 3 p.m. There was an excellent muster, 16 troops attending.
As soon as the Scouts had fallen in for inspection, the Commissioner presented, on behalf of the local Branch of the R.S.P.C.A. the Challenge Cup for the winning essay sent in by any troop on inquiries into ways and means of furthering the objects of that Society locally. Scout D.Hunt received the Cup on behalf of the 5th H.K. Troop, his being the successful essay.
The 1st H.K. Sea Scouts were then presented with the Prince of Wales Banner won last year, the second year in succession, the 4th H.K. (Murray) Troop being the runners up.
These little ceremonies completed, the Rally Competition commenced the various tests being arranged and conducted by Mr. C.H.Blason, Asst. Commissioner, District Scoutmaster A.White, and Mr. A.S.Mitchell, Hon. Secretary of the Association. The tests covered sketch map drawing, judging distances, area, weights, etc., message carrying, first aid, and observation and deduction. Tea was provided at an appropriate interval. Scouts not taking part in the actual contests were occupied with organised games in the grounds of the Central British School, kindly lent by the Headmaster, Mr. G.F.Nightingale.
At the conclusion, the Commissioner thanked the Rev. W.W.Rogers and the Church authorities and also those of the C.B.S. for placing the grounds at the disposal of the Scouts, and also reminded the boys that this was the last occasion on which Mr. Blason would be present at a Banner Competition Rally. From the very first he had been keenly interested and always provided very amusing and interesting competitions in observation and tracking. He would be badly missed.
Cheers were then given for the Church authorities and for Mr. Blason, who briefly responded, reminding the Scouts of the importance of the daily "good turn."
The troops then dismissed, the Hongkong ones marching down together to the Ferry and breaking off on lending on the Island.
Owing to much of the work being written, it was not possible to announce the result of the competition, at the end of the rally.