The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, January 26, 1928.
香港英一月廿六號 禮拜四
No 22,354
Page 12

Over 130 Scouts and Cubs mustered in the grounds of Government House yesterday afternoon, when His Excellency the Governor, Sir Cecil Clementi, as Chief Scout, presented the Prince of Wales Banner to the Troop of Sea Scouts, who are the winners in the last competition amongst the different units for this trophy.
There were present the Hon. Sir Shou-son Chow, the Hon. Dr. R.H.Kotewall, C.M.G., the Hon. Mr. E.D.C.Wolfe, C.M.G., His Lordship Bishop Duppuy, Mr. T.E.Lindsell, Mr. E.Ralphs, and a number of spectators.
Following an inspection of the Scouts, who were drawn up in a semicircle, His Excellency the Chief Scout said:
Boy Scouts, I am glad to have this opportunity of inspecting you. and I congratulate the First Hongkong Sea Scouts on winning the Prince of Wales' banner. The Prince of Wales' motto is "Ich dien," which means "I serve"; and you who have won his banner must show yourselves worthy to carry it by loyal and faithful service in that worldwide brotherhood of youth which in the Boy Scouts Association.
During last year there came under my notice some actions by Scoutmasters and Scouts which were not creditable to the Association. I am glad to say that anything of this kind is very unusual; but I wish to address to you, one and all, a word of warning. It is the reasonable aim of every boy and man to "get on" - as the saying is - in life. But, remember that a cynic has inflected the phrase "get on" through the usual degrees of comparison with this curious linguistic result - "get on," "get honour," "get honest!" And I desire you to bear in mind that, unless your lives exemplify the superlative degree in that table of comparison, it will avail you little to "get on" or even to "get honour." This precept may stick in your memory more easily, if I put it into the form of a rhyme, thus.
"If you want to get on and get honour, get honest! The superlative first, or the rest of it non est."
But the matter is put best of all in the Scouts' Law which says: "A Scout's honour is to be trusted." This law is fundamental and you must each of you obey it most scrupulously.
I wish you every happiness and success in the New Year.
Other Speeches.
The Hon. Dr. R.H.Kotewall thanked His Excellency for the kindly interest he took in the Boy Scouts Association, and in referring to the wholesome advice which His Excellency had given in regard to certain discreditable acts on the part of one or two Scoutmasters, said he was glad that such cases were few. He hoped that the advice would be taken to heart, and that they would all so conduct themselves as to bring credit to themselves and to the movement.
The Rev. Mr. G.T.Waldegrave, the local Scout Commissioner, said the rather small muster was due to a variety of reasons. In the first place, one troop was unable to turn up because its Scoutmaster was getting married that day, and at the moment was holding his wedding reception. Two troops from the New Territories were unable to come without making great preparations, while the Chinese New Year festival had also kept many others from attending. Otherwise their full muster would have been 450. Concluding, Mr. Waldegrave said they were glad to hear that Lady Clementi, had made a good recovery, and he exhorted the boys to make their three cheers the heartier on that account.
Three lusty cheers were given for His Excellency, after which the Scouts dispersed.
The rally was under the command of Mr. A.White, Secretary of the Boy Scouts Association in Hongkong.
Scoutmaster E.R.Dovey and Assistant Scoutmaster R.Wong of the 2nd St. Andrew's Troop, and Scoutmaster D.W.Luke, of the 16th Taikoo Chinese Scouts, took the Scout's Oath on receiving these appointments.
In his report on the last competitions, Mr. A.White said:
When His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales visited Hongkong, the second chair he used was specially upholstered, and after his departure, and with his permission, Sir Reginald Stubbs presented the two silken panels from the sides of the chair made into Banners, to the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in this Colony, who gratefully received them and have ever since used them as Challenge Banners for annual competition in Scout and Guide efficiency.
The Scout troop winning it, has, for the year of tenure, the right to be called "The Governor's Troop." Points are given for efficiency, as proved in two rallies at which inter troop contests are held, founded on the Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class and King's Scout Badges, and also by returns from each competing troop showing the year's work in respect of those Badges. The maximum obtainable is 200 points.
We should like to take this opportunity of thanking His Excellency the Governor for his continued interest in the movement, and His Excellency the General Officer Commanding and Mrs. Luard for their great kindness in allowing the Scouts to use the grounds of Headquarter House for the two annual rallies.
The result of the Competition for 1927 is as follows, the Troops being in order of merit:
1st H.K. Sea Scouts
7th H.K. Troop, King's College
20th H.K. Troop, 1st Central
6th H.K. Troop, Ellis Kadoorie School
10th H.K. Troop, St. Paul's College
8th H.K. Troop. 1st S.C.A.A.
12th H.K. Troop, Queen's College
16th H.K. Troop, Taikoo Chinese
1st H.K. Troop, St. Joseph's College, 5th H.K. Troop, Roving Firth
19th H.K. Troop, 1st Yaumatai, 9th H.K. Troop, Taikoo Scottish, 13th H.K. Ying Wa College
Those troops gaining less than 100 points were only able to compete in one of the two rallies.