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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Monday, March 29, 1926.

No. 19,761
Page 3



   The first of what is hoped to be a monthly series of Scout Association "Camp Fires" was held at the Seamen's Institute on Saturday, the choruses, songs and troop "yells" being thoroughly enjoyed by the 130 odd local Scouts who assembled togather with a few visitors.
   Part of the scheme is to secure the services of a speaker each "Camp Fire" night, and for this the first night, the President, the Hon. Mr. P.H.Holyoak, addressed the boys briefly emphasising particularly the spirit of brotherhood behind the movement. By getting together the world over in friendly cooperation, much was being done to promote fríendliness between nations.
   The Commissioner, the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, said that the gathering there that evening was significant of what the Scout movement was doing to promote brotherhood. Represented in the troops were British, Chinese and Japanese all working together in friendly cooperation. The Scouts were giving the lead which His Excellency the Governor had appealed to be taken up more generally throughout the Colony by the formation of a "Concord" Club.
   Mrs. Skelton presided at the piano during the evening and after a thoroughly enjoyable evening, the Scouts gave three rousing cheers for Mr. Holyoak and visitors, Auld Lang Syne and the national anthem bringing the evening to a close.

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