The China Mail.
Hongkong, Monday, March 15, 1926.
No. 19,749
Page 11

By kind permission of H.E. Major General Luard, C.B., C.M.G., a Scout rally was held in the grounds of Headquarters' House, on Saturday afternoon.
It had been intended to take advantage of the occasion to present the Prince of Wales' Banner to the winners of last year's competition, but owing to the inability of H.E. the Governor (Sir Cecil Clementi, K.C.M.G.) to attend, this presentation did not take place.
Ten troops took part in the rally and an instructive and interesting afternoon was spent.
Proceedings commenced with an inspection of the 200 Scouts and Wolf Cubs present, after which the competitions took place, consisting of demonstrations of the use of the Scout staff; observation of twelve articles and statement of changes made by the Judges, while the Scouts' backs were turned; signalling; mapping test; and troop contest in first aid work.
During the afternoon tea was kindly provided for the Scouts by Colonel and Mrs. Robertson, while the elders were entertained by Major General and Mrs. Luard.
The proceedings concluded with a brief address by the Scout Commissioner, the Reverend G.T.Waldegrave, the presentation of warrants, cheers for Major General and Mrs. Luard and the singing of the National Anthem.
Among those present, in addition to the Scout officers, were Major General and Mrs. Luard, Colonel and Mrs. Luard, Dr. Sir Eric and Lady Stuart Taylor, Mrs. Minnett, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Meville Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Talate, Mrs. Skelton, Miss Fleming, Capt. R.Q.F.Johnston, and Mr. D.W.Morley.
As Saturday's events were only a preliminary in the competition for the Prince of Wales' Banner, no points are yet available for publication.