The China Mail.
Hongkong, Friday, October 10, 1924.
No. 19,313
Page 9

You will see also that the number of members of our Association is going up by leaps and bounds. In June we had seven members, in July fifty two and today we have over a hundred. This is the most satisfactory feature of all. It means that Hongkong is taking a real interest in the Boy Scout movement. It means that the community believes in your ideals and is backing you to live up to them and to advance them in every way you can. It is not so much a victory for you as a victory for Scouting, but it is for you to justify the public faith in the Boy Scout movement and this should be a matter of personal pride and concern to each individual Scout.
Thus Mr. C.Champkin, Acting Commissioner, in the current number of "The Silver Wolf," the official organ of the Boy Scouts Association, Hongkong, which contains some rattling good yarns as well as useful information in regard to scouting.
To deal, boy like, with the exciting parts first, there is a story of a thrilling lion hunt in the early
days of the construction of the Beira Railroad. It is told in the subdued language of a master in the art of storytelling, the reader getting a far better idea of the risks run by certain things being left to his imagination than if each item were given its full significance. The fact that the author is a friend of the editor's who took part in the Matabele War of 1893, the uprising in Mashonaland and Matabeleland, the South African and the Great War, who took part in the relief of Mafeking and is known over a great part of savage Africa by the native name of "Makabele," lends even more interest to the story. Readers of "The Silver Wolf" will learn with pleasure that it is the first of a series which "Makabele" is writing for them.
In the concluding instalment of "Tigers and Things," the Acting Commissioner tells how, in stifling heat and pestered by stinging flies, mosquitoes and red ants, jeered at by monkeys and fearful of snakes, he and his friend hacked their way through the jungle and lay in wait at night in pits for the tiger that knew better than to come within shot. Hardly less exciting is he in his talk with the Wolf Cubs on the subject of Jack O'Donnell, the Pirate Chief of the "Death of Glory" who, we read, is "the only genuine old pirate who sailed up the China Coast and buried a lot of treasure near Hongkong." We can quite understand his reticence on the matter of where this is buried. We agree with him that it is a Wolf Cub affair and that the greatest secrecy must be observed. It would certainly not be to their advantage to have Ice House Street people forming companies to go and look for their little board and "selling short" and all that sort of thing.
Judge On Fishing.
So much for the parts in the perusal of which one holds one breath. But be it not assumed that there is nothing interesting to even the casual reader in the rest of the contents.
Mr. H.H.J.Gompertz., our Chief Justice, in giving advice to aspirants for the "Sea Fisherman" badge writes most interestingly of fishing in Hongkong and as the Pathfinder tests require knowledge of the history of the place and any buildings of historical importance the District Scoutmaster gives notes which are of general interest and should prove of great value to those preparing for the badge.
"A few words about Mars" is Mr. J.Fenton's contribution to the number; and workers for the "Star Man's" badge should be encouraged to pursue their studies by the inkling the article gives of the wonders that still defy our knowledge.
Hints as to the guaranteeing of a good water supply in camp by E.P.Minett, M.D., D.P.H., and as to timber trees, their ages and figuring, by the "Old Pioneer" complete this very important and interesting section of the magazine.
Much instructive information is contained in A.S.M. H.Braga's illustrated account of a holiday in British Columbia; and then there are the Troop Notes which of course are more of domestic interest.
The Chief Scout's letter regarding the conduct of Scouts in the motor omnibus accident appears in the correspondence columns also among others, letters from the Commissioner, the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Blason, as to their experiences at the Training Camp at Gilwell and the Jamboree.