Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Wednesday, August 20th, 1924.
中華民國十三年八月弍十號 禮拜三
No. 20,636
Page 4

The present issue of the Silver Wolf, the official organ of the Boy Scout Association, Hongkong, well maintains the promise of the first number of the new volume. It contains a nice variety and interesting and very instructive articles by local writers, Mr. Cyril Champkin, the Acting Commissioner, is able to record a gratifying increase in the number of members of the Association though he says the response to the appeal is not so great as had been hoped.
"The Director of Education," he writes, "has been kind enough to obtain for me some highly interesting and instructive opinions and statistics regarding the possibility of extending the Boy Scout movement in the Schools of the Colony. These deal with about 3,500 boys between the ages of 10 and 17 years, attending 13 schools. Only 115 are Boy Scouts, 170 others are keen and willing to join and 550 more might become Boy Scouts if we had the means of training and equipping them."
"The real need of the Boy Scout movement in Hongkong is not boys, but men: 'Scouters' as we call them, because we are rather shy of the word 'Officers.' We need leaders from the schools, the Government offices, banks, shops, dockyards and merchant houses; leaders who will throw themselves heart and soul into the glorious game of training boys to be men. Half hearted supporters are of no use as Scouters."
Among the contents of the current issue of the Silver Wolf is the facsimile of a letter from H.E. The Governor stating that he had read with great satisfaction the account given by Scoutmaster K.C.Kong of the behaviour of the members of the 7th (Saiyingpun) Troop, who were involved in the recent sad motorbus accident. "The record shows that these Scouts, notwithstanding their own injuries, devoted themselves to helping their unfortunate fellow passenger, thus affording a fine example of the Scout spirit." His Excellency adds: "The 7th Troop is to be congratulated on possessing members who have so thoroughly absorbed the spirit of the Scout movement as to be able to render immediate and effective help to the wounded, forgetting their own injuries and the shock from which they were suffering."