The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, July 1, 1924.
香港英七月壹號 禮拜弍
No 12,625
Page 7

Thanks to the enterprise of our local Scouts, Hongkong boys can now claim an illustrated monthly magazine of unusual interest, contributed to by local supporters who, if we may judge by the excellent result that is before us, have happily achieved the difficult task of combining instruction and amusement in a way that cannot fall to appeal to the juvenile mind.
The current issue of The Silver Wolf, the first of a new and enlarged series, will appeal alike to boys who are Scouts and boys who are not. The cover design is both striking and artistic. The central figure is by Major Gandy and features what might be termed the spirit of the Boy Scout movement, an enthusiastic young Scout holding aloft an unfoiled Union Jack. In the background is an excellent view of the Harbour and Peak. The border design and title lettering is by Mr. M.F.Baptista, well known in amateur art circles of the Colony for work of exceptional merit.
The contents are varied and uniformly interesting, and the choice of authors reflects the sound judgment of the editor. Mr. Claxton explains to us the recent Transit od Mercury. Professor Middleton Smith tells us in simple language all about the engine of a motor car and many who read it will understand for the first time just what makes the wheels go round. There is an excellently written article on aeroplanes by an expert who modestly cloaks his identity under the nom de plume of "The Bird O' Freedom." Mr. Champkin, the Acting Commissioner, writes amusingly about "Tigers and Things" and "Climbing on the Roof of the World" and also contributes a vividly narrated story of simple heroism concerning one "Billy Spoke, Midshipman H.M.S. Kent, who lost his leg and his life" at the capture of Chandannagar in 1757.
Our old friend, Mr. Salisbury of "The Quaints," proves to be quite as humourous with the pen as with cap and bells, and tells the Scouts how to obtain the Entertainer Badge. Mr. White, the District Scoutmaster, shows poetic talent of no moan order in his "Hiawatha" verses, and a more prosaic though equally commendable skill in the making of Hunter's Stew, Fried Bacon, Porridge and other camp delicacies, as explained in his Cookery Test Article. Mr. Montargis gives us an insight into the life of a French cavalryman in the deserts of Northern Africa and "Ex Sapper" tells us all about the meaning and significance of distinguished marks and badges worn by soldiers in the Cantonese Armies. H.B.M. writes an instructive article on woodwork as taught in the schools of Sweden and elsewhere. Mr. Kirk proves how easy it is to estimate areas when you know a few simple rules and Mr. Williams explains the use of carpontry tools. We recognise an old friend in "O.W." whose amusing rhymes on "Badges" are in his isial happy vein. Scout T.L.Shea relates the adventures of his Troop trokking round the Island at Easter and the well written Troop and Pack Notes by the Scoutmasters and Cubmasters are a revelation of the amazing energy of all these happy young workers, campers, sailors, tinkers, tailors, hikers and helpers that we know as Boy Scouts.
The Silver Wolf has shown us more than anything else that the Boy Scouts Association of Hongkong is a healthy and vigorous institution, and as we gather from the Commissioner’s Notes that, apart from the boys and their instructors, there are only seven members of the Association in Hongkong, we cordially endorse his appeal for 693 more members to make up the round number that will enable the Association to extend its useful activities in the directions indicated.