The China Mail.
Hongkong, Wednesday, June 25, 1924.
No. 19,221
Page 4

A movement is on foot in America to raise the sum of G. $10,000,000 as a fund to be used in providing the opportunity for the 2,000,000 boys of Scout age not now enrolled in the organization to take part in its activities. The sum quoted seem a stupendous one, but with the enthusiasm which Americans bring to causes they advocate, no difficulty will probably be met in gathering in what is aimed at. The news reminds us that our local Scout organization - or its Acting Commissioner - has a scheme afoot to raise funds wherewith to build a Hall or meeting place for its members. The scheme, or desire, is not a new one. It was discussed and agreed upon in the early days of the movement here when enthusiasm was just as great as it is now. It had gone so far as selecting the site, having plans prepared, and probably funds contributed; but for some reason not clear to us the scheme way shelved. No one will deny that the Scout movement in Hongkong deserves the best wishes of those who take an interest in work on right lines among young people, and it is obvious that if it is to succeed, its most urgent need, if possible, should be met. At the same time perhaps an excess of caution is desirable. It often happens that movements are commenced in periods of enthusiasm which often last but a brief spell - when they die. This may have been the reason for the early demise of the Scout organisation soon after it was first formed. At the moment, and since its resurrection, it is “manned" seemingly by consistent enthusiasts who seem to have justified themselves. The Scouts are fortunate in having His Excellency the Governor as Chief Scout which doubtless explains why the Government recently made a grant to the funds of the Association. Presumably any scheme put before the public of Hongkong, showing present numbers and what it is hoped to do would receive practical consideration but no scheme, it appears to us should be sponsored which does not include some security for the future and aims at creating an endowment fund as well. It is one thing to build a Hall: quite another thing to maintain it.