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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Thursday, May 10, 1923.

No. 18,872
Page 5


[To the Editor of the "China Mail."]

   Sir,- It may be of interest to sympathisers of the Boy Scout Movement in this Colony to know something of the results of the recent Jamboree. Financially there was a loss of $116.43, which may be accounted for by the bad weather conditions which prevailed at the time affecting the attendances at the Concert on both nights. This loss however is far outweighed by great gains in other directions, not least of which is the increased activity on the part of the Scouts themselves, who fully appreciate the interest shown in and support given to their efforts on that occasion.
   The Executive of the Hongkong Boy Scouts Association desire to take this opportunity of expressing their grateful thanks to all those who in so many different ways assisted the Jamboree Committee, and especially Mr. B. Wylie for undertaking and carrying out the laborious task of supervising the advertising and printing; Lieut-Commander Stevenson R.N. for acting as Stage Manager; Lieut-Commander Beresford, R.E. and the decorating party from H.M.S. “Tamar"; the members of the "Black Cat Jazz Band" for giving their service gratuitously on both afternoons; Messrs. Moutrie and Co., for the gratuitous loan of two pianos and assistance with the booking; the Hongkong A.D.C. for the loan of scenery; to the Management of the various Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs, Companies etc; for displaying posters and table-cards; and the City Hall Committee and the Tramway Co. for reduced rates.

   The Executive also extend their thanks to all supporters and subscribers who have already responded to their appeal and especially to His Excellency the Chief Scout of Hongkong and Lady Stubbs for the great interest shown in so many different ways for their most generous gift of a yacht to the Sea Scouts for training purposes.

Yours etc.,
G.T. WALDEGRAVE, Commissioner.
C. H. BLASON, Hon. Treasurer
A. KIRK, Hon. Jamboree Secretary
A.WHITE, Hon. Association Secretary.
Hongkong, May 8.


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