The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, April 4, 1923.
香港英四月四號 禮拜三
No 12,852
Page 2

Scouting as an Educational Training.
Hongkong's Boy Scouts are to have a Jamboree at the City Hall on the 13th and 14th inst., at which demonstrations in Scoutcraft will be given.
The value of this movement is widely acknowledged. Viewing educational training merely from the viewpoint of the acquisition of knowledge, it must be admitted that there is much in a boy's life left untouched by the formal lessons given in a classroom. The Boy Scout organization supplies this need. Its aim is the development of good citizenship among boys by individual character training in resourcefulness, observation, obedience, and self-reliance; by inculcating loyalty and thoughtfulness for others; by teaching them services useful to the public, and handicrafts useful to themselves; and by promoting their physical development and hygiene.
Scout training takes the individual boy, and through attractions of organization, activities, and awards devised for the purpose, it urges him to develop himself in the four directions towards citizenship given above. It endeavours to supply training rather than teaching, education rather than instruction, character rather than knowledge, active sell-education instead of passive reception of ideas.
Many schoolmasters have taken up scouting for their boys to help their character training and discipline, and have found it is a splendid method of training. It makes the acquisition of knowledge a living process.
Lord Rosebery has said: "Schoolmasters ought to be interested for their own benefit in the Boy Scouts. If they can get the influence that the Boy Scout movement gives the Scoutmaster, if they can get that influence over their boys in playtime, that at present some of them only have in school time, surely they will have an incalculable reward in the formation of the character of their pupils, far the most important education they can impart."