The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, April 6, 1922.
香港英四月六號 禮拜四
No 12,383
Page 1 & 7

His Royal Highness.

Hongkong Acclaims Popular Prince.
H.R.H.'s Tribute.

Inspection of Scouts.
Arriving at Government House, His Highness inspected the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, who were under the command of the Rev. G.T. Waldegrave, M.A. Here was drawn up a guard of honour from the Hongkong Volunteer Defence Corps. the officers in charge being 2nd. Lieut. A. Murdoch and 2nd. Lieut. T. W. Hill, M.C. The Pipe Band of the Scottish Company which was in position on the left of the Guard of Honour, played as the Prince carried out an inspection. As the Prince passed on to the lawn only the Wolf Cubs (junior scouts) and Brownies (junior guides) were visible. They were lined up in horseshoe formation on the lawn, facing the entrance to the grounds. The Boy Scouts and Girl Guides were concealed in the trees behind.
As His Royal Highness appeared, the Cubs and Brownies gave a grand howl, and at the same time the colour bearers, standing at intervals behind the horseshoe, dipped their standards. The colours were raised and a whistle sounded. Immediately the scouts and guides rushed from their places of concealment and, in a manner which speaks well for their training, formed up in patrols beside their respective troop colours, standing at the "alert." Another whistle was sounded and then, with one accord, the whole body, raising their staves in their right hands above their heads, gave the rousing Chinese expression of welcome, "Kung Ying."
After inspecting the troops, His Royal Highness presented the Gilt Cross to Patrol Leader Lo Kwok-chung, 7th. Hongkong Troop, for life saving, an account of which heroic deed has already appeared in these columns.
Prince's Congratulations
His Royal Highness, in a short speech to the assembled children, said:- It is a very great pleasure to me to have this opportunity of seeing you this morning. As I realise that you have only been started a little over a year, I congratulate you on your very smart appearance. I wish you every possible success here in Hongkong and I hope more boys and girls will follow your example and join up.
Standing to the "salute," the National Anthem was lustily sung. Hearty cheers for the Prince were given and His Royal Highness left to take tiffin at Government House. The troops formed up and then merched away.
The following troops participated:- First Hongkong Troop (St. Joseph's College), Scoutmaster L. Gutierrez; Second Hongkong Troop (St. Andrews, Kowloon), Scoutmaster A. M. Farrell; Third Hongkong Troop (First Wanchai), Scoutmaster A. Kirk); Fourth Hongkong Troop (Murray), Scoutmaster A. White; Fifth Hongkong Troop and rover scouts, Scoutmaster K. W. Barney; Sixth Hongkong Troop (Ellis Kadoorie School), Scoutmaster Lam; Seventh Hongkong Troop (Saiyingpun School), Scoutmaster Y. T. Leung; Eighth Hongkong Troop (Wesleyan) Scoutmaster T. K. Chak.
Wolf Cubs:- Third Hongkong Pack, Cubmastress, Miss Williams; Fourth Hongkong Pack, Cubmaster O'Brien; Fifth Hongkong Pack, Cubmaster Y. Fenton.
Girl Guides:- First Hongkong Troop, Capt. Mrs. Reed, Asst. Capt. Miss Warren; Second Hongkong Troop, Capt. Miss Price, Asst. Capt. Miss Shea; First Wanchai Troop, Capt. Mrs. Perri; First Kowloon Troop; Capt. Mrs. Trowbridge; Second Kowloon Troop, Capt. Miss Irving; Peak Brownie Troop, Brown Owl, Miss H. Irving.