The Hongkong Telegraph.
Saturday, October 2, 1915.
香港英十月二號 禮拜六
Page 5

Gathering at the Hongkong Hotel.
Lady May (President) attended a meeting of the Hongkong Boy Scouts Association, held at the Hongkong Hotel, last evening, Rear Admiral Anstruther presiding. There was a full agenda, one of the important items being the re-naming of the organisation the "Hongkong Baden Powell Boy Scouts' Association."
Rear Admiral Anstruther referred to the very good work done by the Scouts and read a letter from the Hon. Colonial Secretary in which it was stated that His Excellency, in forwarding a report by the General Officer Commanding, to the Secretary of State, on the military operations in this Colony from the outbreak of the war up to the end of the year 1914, he was pleased to bring to the notice of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, the public spirit exhibited by the Boy Scouts in placing their services at the disposal of the military authorities and rendering much valuable assistance, and that Mr. Harcourt had desired His Excellency to convey to them his appreciation which was shared by the Army Council, of the assistance rendered.
There were now seven troops, continued the speaker, the movement having originated in St. Joseph's College, and it was mainly due to the officers of that troop and Mrs. Rayner that the present flourishing state of the organisation was brought about. They had now seven troops, but it was thought advisable to prepare for an extension of the scopes of the movement and that was the reason for making one general organisation.
Mr. Barga argued that in that event St. Joseph's troops or body would lose its warrant and identity. He was anxious to know if St. Joseph's, after the reformation, would have the power to draft their own bye laws?
Rear Admiral Anstruther pointed out that they could, so long as they conformed with the laws laid down by the general body. He did not think it advisable to have different bodies, as it were, of what was one movement, therefore he was of the opinion that they should all come under one general control.
The plans of the new Scout Hall were inspected and unanimously approved, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Rosser, the architect.
It was agreed that the Kowloon Scouts should be called upon to contribute to a hall on the other side of the water. As to subscribing to the Hongkong Hall, the matter was adjourned for further discussion.
An Executive Committee was appointed, it being suggested that there was a necessity for such and that it would do away with calling a general meeting every time there was some little matter needing attention.
It was unanimously decided to ask His Excellency the Governor to be Chief Scout.
Scoutmaster Edwards called attention to the fact that there were now thirty boys over the age of sixteen and they were eager for shooting practice. He had approached Colonel Chapman and he had consented to their using the range and promised to do all he could to assist them. What they wanted were rifles - they would provide their own Morris tube ammunition.
Rear Admiral Anstruther suggested that the members of the Ladies' Rifle Club might be induced by a sense of the patriotic to lend their rifles.
Lady May said she would be very pleased to lend her rifle.
Scoutmaster Edwards thought it only needed an official communication to Major Robertson and they would be provided.
Mr. Preston, the Secretary, was then instructed to write to Major Robertson, and make the request.
It was agreed that registration be fixed at $3.
The following officers were then elected:-
President: Lady May.
Vice-Presidents: The Brother Director of St. Joseph's College and Mr. Dickson, of the Chartered Bank.
Chairman: Rear-Admiral Anstruther.
Treasurer: Miss Skinner.
Secretary: Mr. Preston.
Chief Scout: H.E. the Governor.
Commissioner: Rear-Admiral Anstruther.
Chief Scout Master: Lieut. Kennedy.
It was suggested that on October 21, Red Cross Day, the Scouts should hire themselves out to business houses at a wage for the day, the money earned to go to the Red Cross Fund.
This was adopted and commercial houses are invited to seek the boys for employment on that day.
Votes of thanks to Miss Skinner, Hon. Treasure, and to Mr. A.M.Preston, the Hon. Secretary, brought the meeting to a close.